Helping UGanda Educate

About Us

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to provide the children in Nabugabo, who are most at need, with a caring education, a confidence in their own abilities and a genuine belief and ambition that they can contribute to the future success of their lives and those of the community.


Marc Batten

Trustee: Marc Batten

Assistant Headteacher at the 1800 student Bassaleg Mixed Comprehensive School in South Wales. With over 30 years of experience in education, Marc provides the charity with an in depth working knowledge on all aspects of teaching and practical support for the teachers. Importantly, he provides valuable advice on well being and mental health.

Bridget O'Callaghan

Trustee: Bridget O'Callaghan

South African born, Bridget grew up in Cape Town, moving to the UK to continue a career in finance. Bridget values the opportunity to work alongside experienced educators and humanitarians with the same long term goal of working within and supporting local communities.

Bridget is responsible for the financial aspect of the charity including supervision and management of expenditure in respect of the operating budget, liaising and managing the private donor programme and the annual accounting needs of the charity.

Mel Batten

Trustee: Mel Batten

Previously Regional Director at JLL.
Mel regularly visits Nabugabo throughout the year, and at home in the UK, assists and co-ordinates fundraising and liaises with the charity's two partnership schools. She is responsible for the collection of resources in the UK such as school uniform and school supplies. She works hard to try and ensure all items are either recycled from the UK or donated as part of a school partnership programme. Mel is the designated safeguarding person.

Richard Batten

Secretary: Richard Batten

Previously Global Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer at JLL, 1983-2022.

In his professional capacity Richard travelled and worked across Africa and is passionate about working to achieve sustainable, long term communities in deprived areas through education on all levels.

Richard regularly travels to Uganda and more specifically to Nabugabo at least three times a year. Richard is on the Senior Management Team for Nabugabo Community Learning Centre and is involved on the day to day operations of the School and Secondary Education Fund. Richard is also responsible for ensuring proper governance is in place with the appropriate policies and procedures for a charity of this nature.


The HUGE Partnership is a UK based charity (no 1153640) registered with the Charities Commission. It operates under the Commissions rules and guidelines. Report and Accounts for HUGE are submitted on an annual basis and can be inspected below.

HUGE takes governance extremely seriously and has the following policies in place:

An Organisational Chart in respect of the structure of HUGE and the various roles and responsibilities is attached here.

The charity works with NCLC through a weekly reporting process linking directly with the NCLC senior management team comprising the Headmaster, the Community Officer and Richard Batten.

The foundations of The HUGE Partnership are based upon a strong ethical code and we are committed to adhering to certain core principles in all our activities and dealings. Please see our Ethical Code of Practice here.

Charity information

UK Registered Charity No:


Registered Address:

Bowden, Bowden Green, Pangbourne, Berkshire, RG8 8JL

Bank Details:

The Huge Partnership
Account number: 43494608
Sort Code: 20-71-75